We, at Desai Associates, offer a full range of accounting and bookkeeping services for, Sole proprietorship, Partnership Firms, Companies, Small Medium & Micro businesses and this  all have different accounting and bookkeeping needs. To cater to this varied requirement, we offer tailor-made accounting systems.

In the modern jet age there is fierce competition in the trade and industry. Entrepreneurs are vying with one another in the mad race to stay ahead of others. This being the business scenario it is most imperative for the CEOS and other junior staff to keep themselves fully updated with the statistics of the working of a business house and its current affairs required for planning and formulations of policies of the Co. This can only be possible if the accounts are maintained in an elaborate manner and kept up to date minute to minute. We at desai associates follows the process flow of accounting.

Standard Accounting Process Flow At DA

Not getting your accounting reports on time?
Having a Reconciliation problem with vendor payments and bank statements?
Problem in getting the correct reports?
Want to save on accounting man-power.?
Delay in getting the accounting reports accepted by your tax consultant?

We offer turnkey solutions to all accounting needs and offer a “One stop solution” for your accounting and taxation matters right from inputting the vouchers, verifying the same, generating accounting reports, preparing MIS reports, and filing your tax returns.